18 February 2022

The International Standards for Pediatric Palliative Care: From IMPaCCT to GO-PPaCS is available online.

The GO-PPaCS document is grounded in the document ‘IMPACCT – Standards For Pediatric Palliative Care In Europe’ published almost 15 years ago and which became a significant reference document and effective instrument for the advocacy and improvement of care provided for children with serious illness and their families, and for the development of child-specific palliative care services globally.  This new, comprehensive document, prepared following an extensive review of the latest scientific studies and published papers, was formulated to reach beyond the focus of the European region; its content encompasses the evolution of healthcare needs, the advent of new disciplines, the development of new tools and knowledge. It also presents the most recent relative data, definitions, and recommended core standards for PPC service provision.

The  GO-PPaCS document will be presented during the Opening Ceremony of the 5th Maruzza International Congress on Paediatric Palliative Care to be held in Rome from the 25th -28th May 2022